Ashlyn DeLoughy, Staff Writer
All of the sudden, streamers, signs, ribbons, and even candy are taking over the front of many student lockers. Signs may read, “Go Amanda and show Brookfield how it’s done!”
You have probably seen messages similar to this scribbled on colorful paper attached to every other locker you pass by in the halls. With the new sports season around the corner, it’s time for the Newtown High School teams to get everyone pumped for game day. In order to play the game, you have to be a part of it, both physically and mentally.
Secret psych literally does what it means. It mentally prepares the athletes for an upcoming game, but in a way that’s not to be known or seen by other people in the school. Everyone knows what it’s like when school sports first start. Sometimes nervousness is an understatement. To help this anxiousness disappear, some of the sports teams of NHS rely on secret psych. Teams do secret psych a little differently, but the results seem to be the same. There are no complaints, just praises for this team bonding activity.
“I like secret psych! It gets me ready and excited for a game. We’ve only done it once or twice this season, but I’m looking forward to doing it more in the future,” NHS freshman volleyball player, Julia Doyle, said.
Freshman Sarah Houle, on the girls varsity soccer team said, “Personally I love secret psych. I get really excited because I love hearing what my psych says about my gift. I also enjoy seeing what is in my locker every time we have a home game. It gets me excited to play the game later on.”
For the most part, NHS sports teams do secret psych following the same ground rules. After practice, one day the teams get together and each person on the team picks a slip of paper out of a pile. In this pool of slips, there is one paper for each person on the team. On the slips, written is the athletes’ name, interests regarding food and candy, hobbies, and their locker combination. Once someone picks out a slip the athletes are on their own. They have the freedom to surprise their secret psych in any way they want, nothing is mandatory. As long as they surprise their secret psych, their job is done. Surprises are hidden, candy invades the lockers, streamers will fill up the halls, colorful posters/signs will motivate the team players, and smiles will be put on the faces of the athletes of NHS.
The only rule is that you have to be careful with what you do and say around the other athletes. The point of this motivation technique emphasizes surprising every team player. If you tell your secret psych that you’re giving them gifts, the fun and curiousness is just taken away.
“For the freshman on the volleyball team, we pick a new person or slip each time we do it, so that we don’t keep the same person for the whole season. I like it, but I already know who my secret psych person is, so it kind of spoils it and just gets old after a while,” NHS freshman volleyball player, Jen Uhl, said.
While each team participates in secret psych, some athletes have agreed with their captains to add their own touch. The volleyball team decided to change their person each time they do it, to keep the surprise alive. On the other hand, the NHS varsity swim team has decided to keep the same person the whole season to help unify their team as a whole.
The varsity and junior varsity field hockey teams write inspirational quotes for their secret psych’s to focus more on the motivation aspect of this method.
Natalie Shaker, the junior varsity goalie for the girls field hockey team, started this years’ secret psych for field hockey and added the inspirational quotes as part of it.
The NHS cheerleaders also added their own twist to secret psych this year.
“In addition to all the candy and fun stuff, we leave a nice note or change the lyrics to a song to describe the person we have. Then, this allows for one on one bonds to be formed,” NHS Cheerleader, Maddy Bridges, said.
While secret psych is still just rolling along with the new fall season beginning, it seems to be a great technique that helps to motivate the team players of NHS. So, next time you see a decorated locker, or students walking around with handfuls of candy, you’ll know why.
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