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Free Hugs: It may Save Your Life


Danielle Agugliaro; Staff Editor

Psychotherapist Virginia Satir famously said, “We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.” We all know hugging feels good, but did you know hugs can physically help you and improve your health?

Studies show that hugs chemically create stronger bonds with people, and a recent study, as reported by the Daily Mail, found that hugging on a regular basis is correlated with a lower risk of heart disease, can fight stress and fatigue, boosts your immune system, fights infections and can reduce depression due to the increased levels of oxytocin. Babies who are nurtured and spend more time making contact with their mother grow up to be more social, confident, and less anxious people. All of these factors combined show that hugs don’t only feel good, they are good for you!

During stressful times hugging can be especially helpful because the hormones released when hugging release chemicals in your brain, like oxytocin, that make you feel happier. When the oxytocin is released a stress hormone called cortisol is reduced as a result which instantly makes you feel more relaxed. Hugs with loved ones, particularly your mother, can significantly reduce your stress levels and ease feelings of anxiousness, loneliness and fear.

During the school year students can feel extremely stressed because a variety of factors, but studies show, “students feel less devastated by academic problems when well-hugged, well-assured, and well-bonded,” said Dr. Andrea Polard. Similarly hugs can lower your blood pressure; The School of Medicine at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill found that the non-hugger subjects had higher blood pressure. For the non-hugging subjects, the "systolic (upper) reading jumped 24 points, more than double the rise for huggers, and their diastolic (lower) also rose significantly higher.

But hugging doesn’t just reduce stress; it can also reach many other parts of your body.

“The skin contains a network of tiny, egg-shaped pressure centers called Pacinian corpuscles that can sense touch and which are in contact with the brain through the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve winds its way through the body and is connected to a number of organs, including the heart,” neuroeconomist Paul Zak explains on By this logic then, a simple hug can fill your whole body with positive health benefits.

Here at NHS when students were asked, “Do you believe hugs can really help your health?” It was met with a resounding yes. Mostly all students agree hugs can really help you feel better when you’re stressed or just having a bad day. ““I always try to give people hugs when I’m feeling stressed I’ve always noticed it made me feel better but I never knew why.” Cate Haggerty NHS senior said.

However, an important part of giving and receiving hugs is that they have to be wanted in order to receive the health benefits. “I really don’t like many different people coming up and hugging me throughout the day, but of course at the right time a hug does feel good,” NHS senior Veronica Eames explained. A hug from a loved one has been proven to work even better especially compared to a hug from a complete stranger. That’s why many scientists have been skeptical about the Free Hugs campaign in the past. A hug from a mother in particular is thought to be the most effective above any other person.

“As a mother I think it’s very important to often give hugs to your children. There are many times throughout the day where my daughter, Cecelia, will just come up to me and ask for a hug, it makes both of us feel better,” local Newtown resident Tara Dugo stated.

As the holidays surround us and family gatherings become more often remember how important hugs are and not only feel good, but loaded with health benefits. And if you’re last minute shopping for a gift, just give your friends or family a hug and tell them you just improved their health for the holidays this year.

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