Pip Gamble, Staff Writer
In the middle of the hustle and bustle of Capitol Hill, Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan takes 30 minutes out of his morning to meditate. He focuses on his breathing and clears his mind of all that is going on around him. Meditation is centuries old, and making a comeback today.
Ryan studies Mindfulness, a type of meditation that arises through paying attention on purpose in the present moment and non-judgmentally. Ryan teaches a mindfulness class to his colleagues on Capitol Hill, as well.
Jon Kabat-Zinn Professor of Medicine Emeritus is the creator of the Stress Reduction Clinic and the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine and is largely responsible for mindfulness getting off the ground. He has lead over 100 meditation retreats around the world to spread the practice of it.
“There are a lot of different ways to talk about mindfulness, but what it really means is being aware,” Kabat-Zinn said on 60 minutes, “It’s being present. That’s exactly what it is.”
Mindfulness and meditation are becoming present in Newtown High School. As a part of the sophomore gym curriculum, students get 30 minutes of yoga and meditation.
“It put me in a much better mood afterward. It was a chance to unwind and de stress. I definitely want to do yoga more.” NHS junior Julia Scarangela said.
But mindfulness can be used for so many purposes, not just de-stressing. The University of Massachusetts is using mindfulness and meditation to treat addiction. The US Marines are practicing mindfulness in training to relax and sleep better. It helps them improve mental performance in stressful situations and deal with the strain of war. Mindfulness is also helping patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Congressmen Ryan has received over 1 million dollars in funding to bring mindfulness to the classrooms with a program called S.E.L, or Social Emotional Learning. The program teaches kids to relax and puts them into a better state to learn. In the last three years they have seen reading levels improve by double digits.
“We did yoga and meditation in PE. And I was really nice getting to just relax during the day,” NHS junior Brianna Lutz said. “It was a good break from all the stressfulness.”
“I’d say it allows you to de stress and calm down in the middle of the day because it’s nice to have break between classes during gym.” NHS sophomore Jaden Albrecht said.
Mindfulness has so many positive uses and is scientifically proven to decrease brain activity and help patients with chronic pain and addiction. So grab a cushion, switch off your phone, focus on your breath and meditate.
Photo Credit; www.huffingtonpost.com