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NHS Takes on Ferguson


Emma Burns, Managing Editor

In the wake of the recent deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown who were killed by policemen who were attempting to arrest them, tens of thousands of people gathered at the U.S. Capitol on Saturday December 13th to call for an end of racial profiling by the police. The outrage behind the deaths of Garner and Brown sparked when the police officer, were not indicted by the Grand Jury.

Marchers gathered in Washington D.C. and the streets of Manhattan, NY. Some of the protesters were lead by family members of both Brown and Garner. Garner’s mother Gwen Carr made a statement to how beautiful and moving the protest was. 'It's just so overwhelming to see all who have come to stand with us today," she said. "I mean, look at the masses, black, white, all races, all religions. We need to stand like this at all times." CNN reported.

Many people believe that racial stereotyping in police is an alive and well problem while others believe that the deaths of both Brown and Garner were not racial based at all. Because of this a controversy over whether these protests are necessary or justified has surfaced. Newtown High School students share their varying opinions on whether these recent protests are justified.

The march was very affective in raising the point that a change needs to come to America in racial profiling. “I do believe that protesting is everyone’s right, but they shouldn’t be vandalizing and destroying people’s businesses,” NHS senior Megan Powers said.

Many agreed with Powers opinion that the protests are completely justified, but the violence and riots that occurred in Ferguson were not.

“I feel like some of the protests are justified. I think that the riots are blown way out of proportion, but the peaceful protests I have no problem with,” NHS sophomore William Kise said.

Protesters have gathered in places all around the world. They have blocked subway stations in New York, gathered in Philadelphia, and rioted in Ferguson itself.

“In New York there were protesters who tried to stop Macy’s Labor Day Parade, Black Friday, the Christmas tree lighting, and many other events. They are deliberately getting in the way and it is aggravating people a lot,” NHS senior Emily Sippin said. “And a lot are not taking it in a peaceful way. I understand that aggravating people is a way to make a change and it is helping prove their point, so I do understand where they are coming from.”

NHS junior Meera Gupta expressed that her feelings that a lot of people are uneducated about what happened in the deaths of both Eric Garner, and Michael Brown. “I partially believe that these protests are justified. I don’t believe that everyone is fully educated on the story. I don’t find myself to be fully educated on the story. We are like sponges to whatever the news tells us. So because of this I am indifferent to what happened because I don’t know the full story,” Gupta said.

People of all different ages, and from all around the world joined together to help bring light to the subject of racial profiling by police officers.

"My generation should have solved this problem and we didn't," Cole stated while holding a sign said, “Grandmas for a change!! Enough is Enough.” A grandmother Barbara Cole, 77, of Florissant, Mo, was quoted by CNN news.

Several other protesters were quoted stating that they wanted a change not only for themselves, but for their children and future generations. A mother Cindy Brown was quoted saying that she is afraid every time her 19 year old son leaves the house, and that is why she brought him to the protest.

Newtown High students discuss whether a change will come from these events and protests. Some thought that change would not be coming to the future of racial profiling from the police, while others had more optimistic views.

“I still think there is always going to be the two sides fighting each other. Some people are always going to believe that it was a police man protecting, and some are always going to believe that it was because of race,” Powers said. “I don’t see any change coming from it.”

Junior Alex Solderholm agreed with the idea that the two sides of this event are too opposed to each other, and because of this a lack of change will evolve.

“In the near future I don’t see a change. The two groups are so divided and so set in the fact that they are right. So I don’t see any changes coming right now,” Solderholm said.

Sippin determined that there would be a lack of change due to basic human nature to discriminate and stereotype.

“Racism is a pre-determined human characteristic. There will always be racism, and I don’t feel that this is going to bring a change,” Sippin said.

Other Newtown students saw a bigger change coming from these protests.

“I feel like a change has to be made, because they won’t stop until there is a change,” Kise said.

“I think people are going to try to make changes in racial profiling. Colleges have started to not look at people’s names when selecting who to accept. Cops are probably going to be more careful with who they pull over,” Gupta said. “America is trying to be less prejudice and not make a judgment before you see.”

“I definitely think that since these events have been so big in the news there will be change, but if there is not that shows a lot about our country,” NHS sophomore Grace Walter.

Much like the rest of the country Newtown students are divided on the opinion of whether racial profiling will come to an end. Although most hope there will be a change, many hold pessimistic views of peoples behavior and action.

The deaths of Eric Garner, Michael Brown and other black Americans by police have created uproar against racial stereotyping in America. As seen from our past, America has the ability to change and develop into a more just and equal place for people of all color, ethnicity, and religion. It can be hoped that we can move even further forward.

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