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The Good Things


Julia Faxon, Staff Editor

Every time someone logs onto a computer, opens a newspaper, or flips to a news

channel on TV, they are bombarded with negativity. The media is hyper aware of all the tragedies that happen every day: from disappointing verdicts in cases to shootings that take so many lives to sexual assaults to failing economies. While it is absolutely necessary to inform the population of these injustices so that changes can be made for the better, the overwhelming saturation of negativity detracts from all of the positive things that happen in this world. While bad things should absolutely be recognized, they should not overshadow the many all the good that happens with a heartwarming frequency.

“I definitely think there should be more positive things in the news because it gives people a positive outlook on life and it is equally important to be aware of both positive and negative issues,” NHS junior Laura Hornby said.

Recently, negatives have been in the media even more than usual. Anyone who has so much as turned on a computer in the past month is well aware of many truly horrifying current events. The protests in Ferguson and Staten Island, accusations claiming Bill Cosby is a sex offender, ISIS, Ebola, North Korea’s alleged hacking, and the terrorist attacks in Sydney are just a few of the disastrous circumstances continuously broadcasted through the media.

“I do feel that there is more emphasis on the negative news rather than the positive news, and I feel that it should be changed because it gives people an inaccurate representation of the world. Although tragedies happen every day, so do many good things and people need to recognize that,” NHS junior Sophie Kennen said.

In the past month or so, there has been an influx of stories covering police brutality, which makes sense do to the incidents with Mike Brown and Eric Garner. These incidents portray officers very negatively. While these stories have been all over the news, the other side of the issue has not been given the same amount of attention. Though there are certainly some police officers who are not exactly morally upright, many others are helpful and crucial members of society.

A great example of this positivity happened on December 11th, according to The Good News Network, when 87 year old Helen Smith was driving through Nevada to visit her son in a Salt Lake City hospital. She was pulled over by Nevada state troopers for traffic violations. Once they heard her story, four officers rallied together and drove her to the hospital to visit her son. “To have (hospital staff) there waiting, to hold her hand as we walked into the hospital… it was very, very rewarding,” State Trooper Andrew Pollard said to KUTV-2.

Many people agree that both the negatives and positives of the police force should be examined instead of just extremes. NHS junior Natalie Zimmerman felt that it is important no group is portrayed on a drastic end of the spectrum. “I think we should look at each case by itself, and judge the police force in general less by the actions of one person,” Zimmerman said.

Despite the enthusiasm for including more positive stories in the media, students believe that negative media should still be present. “It should be half and half because the news would be kind of boring if the news put only good things and so people know what’s going on and aren’t in the dark,” NHS sophomore Max Minor said. Minor also mentioned that negative things in the media can be a catalyst for positive change such as charities.

Every day, so many bad things and so many good things happen. It is important that both are in the news and readily available.

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