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School Changes

Dani Powell, Staff Editor

Being a high school student has drastically changed since the teachers at Newtown High School have been in school. Whether the teacher is few years out of school, or many years, the discipline tactics, classroom atmosphere and teaching styles have all been altered to accommodate all students in their learning environment.

Recently more creative approaches have been encouraged in teaching in learning. Skills such as critical thinking are being woven into every lesson and aspect of our school day.

“Learning used to be much more facts, dates, names and times. The thing that is bad about that is that we never got to critical thinking. You guys do so much critical thinking and not enough on the facts,” Newtown High School chorus teacher and NHS graduate Jane Matson said.

“Students were more creative and teachers were less accommodating. If you didn’t finish the notes there was no way to take a picture or get them, we had to work together,” Newtown High School English Cathy Swift teacher said.

Lecturing students is being discouraged because teachers have found that some students do not learn as well in that type of class. They thrive more on interactive lessons and activities where they can be engaged. Students are being told to speak up more in class and learn from one another.

“When I was in school it was much more of a teacher centered lecturing style where students sat and listened. Personally I liked all different types of teaching, I benefit from lecture and hands on,” Newtown High School psychology teacher Gary Franklin said.

The new methods of learning do not help all students. A lot of students still learn with more old fashioned type classes.

“For me I know I have a good memory so taking notes in good for me. But I try to have a both teacher and student discussion. My job is to give the content and let students discuss,” Newtown High School science teacher Elizabeth Linfante said.

Art credits are required at Newtown High and creative methods are emphasized in almost every class. Many new teachers focus on letting their student’s branch out and do new things. Despite that, creativity brings an important aspect to the table when it comes to learning.

“There is never too much creativity. However creativity and freedom are different. I love the freedom to create. As teachers we just have to make sure we are teaching responsibility when it comes to creativity and freedom,” Matson said.

Stories of how grandparents were reprimanded in school by being smacked with a ruler are often told, but even for teachers now discipline was very different when they were in school.

“Teachers were harsher. They had the ability to be a little tougher, and now teachers realize you can motivate a student better without being harsh,” Matson said.

Teacher-student relationships have evolved from being strict and commanding to being much more of an open friendship.

“Discipline now is more on developing a positive relationship. When I was younger is was more of a strict ‘Do what we tell you,’” Franklin said. “The goal is for students to feel like they are in a safe learning environment.”

There are positives and negatives on how school has changed. “There are a lot of changes for the better,” Matson said.

There are teachers who still push for the “old fashion way.” They don’t believe that all the advancements and changes really affect a student’s learning capabilities. However many teachers do believe there is a better grasp on how to teach and develop students in and out of the classroom.

“I think schools have improved. Schools are more inclusive, tolerant and supportive of students now than ever before. There is so much that benefits then in and out of the classroom,” Franklin said. “We do want to empower students. There is so much more to life than just being in a classroom and students need to be confident in there other skills.”

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