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Nobel Prize Awards

Pip Gamble, Staff Editor

Each year the Nobel Prize is awarded for physics, medicine, chemistry, literature, peace and economical science. This year's Nobel Prize in chemistry went to three different scientists for mapping how cells repair DNA on a molecular level and safeguard genetic information. Tomas Lindahl from Francis Crick Institute and Clare Hall Laboratory, Hertfordshire, UK, Paul Modrich from Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Duke University School of Medicine,Durham, NC, and Aziz Sancar University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC who will all split the one million dollar prize.

For those who do not have a PhD in genetics, the DNA repair system fixes the mutations that occur in the DNA sequence.

"These mutations occur in two main ways," says Bridget Berechid an AP Biology, Biotechnology-Forensic Science and Chemistry teacher at Newtown High School. "Errors that are made each time a cell replicates its DNA in preparation for cell division, and errors that result from exposure to various agents including certain wavelengths of radiation, free radicals (produced by normal biochemical pathways in the cell including cellular respiration) and harmful chemicals in the environment."

A set of enzymes then continuously scan the DNA sequence for mutations so that they can be fixed before they cause any harm to the cell. Now you might be wondering how this affects you in any way. Every second of the day your damaged cells are being removed and new cells are being created through the DNA repair system. If mutations get through the DNA repair system then consequences occur, in severe cases it causes cancer and other diseases.

"This may sound trivial but without understanding how things are supposed to operate within our cells, we will never understand, much less fix, what happens in our cells when something goes wrong and causes disease," Said Dr. Berechid.

“In my opinion I think that their research is so important because with the knowledge gained from their research they can prevent and treat future diseases like cancer,” said NHS junior Amy Chicaiza.

Furthering our knowledge on basic functions of cells can help scientists understand more complex cellular mutations. Thanks to the research of Lindahl, Modrich and Sancar will help the diagnosis and treat cancer patients.

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