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Emily McCoy, Staff Writer

Students at Newtown High School help to provide support to those in need. REACH which stands for resilience, empathy, acceptance, confidence, and hope is a supportive program at NHS that runs Mondays and Thursdays from 4pm to 6pm. This program matches a kid ranging from kids in 2nd grade to middle school, with a high school student who then works with the kid on homework and or plays a game. The mentor provides the mentee with additional support to help them grow and feel connected to the community, which is viewed as being a productive way for these kids to develop confidence and knowledge.

The founder Newtown resident Adam Carley, who is an education professional himself, felt this was an important asset to the community. Kids can suffer due to lack of an adult figure, bullying, social isolation, lack of belonging, and an absent of hope. However this program can help to provide what is missing for these kids.

“It creates positive experiences, relationships, academic enrichment, and socialization skills that serve people for a lifetime,” Charles Pryor Academic Enrichment and Creative Arts program leader of REACH said

At NHS REACH provides the students a chance to grow and learn how to provide guidance to one in need.

“We start everyday at REACH by doing an activity with their partner. Then we will play a game as whole. For example we played a game called good news, where if you had any good news about anything you can stand up and share it. Then we have a half an hour of homework, where the mentor and mentee go over whatever assignments they brought. We then do a group activity like sharks and minos. The mentor will walk the kid to the car and will let the parent know how that day was,” NHS guidance counselor, REACH Curriculum Co-leader and Director of REACH Mentorship Program Jeffrey Tolson said.

Not only does REACH provide a mentoring program but they also provide a summer, outdoor, and scholarship program for those in need as a source of development.

Ascension, is another opportunity where kids who are at risk are provided with academic support, and enrichment. All the programs provided are meant to suit a kid in some way shape or form in efforts to help anyone who needs it.

“I think it's a really good organization for young children to pair up with older high school students to get a feel for what high school is like and create a bond that will help the kid to strive in real life. The mentorship program is just one of many different organizations at REACH and all programs were built to help the kid in need,” NHS junior Molly McCoy said.

REACH heavily believes that by providing these kids with a connection to the community they can thrive in more ways in one.

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