There is a belief that the human race and our factories, our machines, and our transportation are the causes of the world’s environmental decline. This pollution from the cars and the factories and the wastefulness of resources make everyone choose to believe is the main cause of the deterioration of the environment and its resources and materials. But the main issue has really been kept in the dark from everyone and is extremely underestimated; the animal and meat industry.
Why? Because it is an industry that makes billions of dollars and that number is constantly increasing. It is an industry that covers 45% of the earth’s land and is the cause of habitat destruction and deforestation. This is an industry that 96.8% of us Americans support and are a part of. What is hidden from all of us, are the facts that show that the meat and animal slaughter industry is the main, and leading cause for the environment’s destruction and decline.
Animal agriculture produces 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. The usual belief is that the greenhouse gases are from the burning of oil, coal, and gas, which create mass amounts of carbon dioxide. These are not the leading causes, just the most advertised and favored to publicize causes. But little does everyone know, livestock creates 25% of the world’s methane gases and 32% of carbon dioxide, and methane gas is 86% more destructive to humans than carbon dioxide gas from vehicles.
Throughout all the changes in industries to try and become more “green” and even the production of electric cars, the air pollution has increased and is still increasing. So if it is not the cars or the gas and the oil that causes the deterioration of the air and the cleanliness of the atmosphere, then what is?
Production of oil and gas use 100 billion gallons of water a year, but compared to the 34 trillion gallons of water used alone in the US for the raising of these animals, that number seems almost irrelevant. Not only does feeding and growing these animals take up mass quantities of water, the production of the meat also uses and wastes the water. Grain-fed beef production takes 100,000 liters of water for every kilogram of meat. In comparison, it only takes 500 liters to grow and prepare a bag of potatoes. Choosing potatoes or vegetables instead of meat can help conserve the limited supply of water.
So much attention is given to wasting water in your home use, like showering, brushing your teeth, or cleaning your clothes, but these are all insignificant and almost meaningless on a big scale. I don’t advise going around taking hour long showers, but cutting out one cheeseburger and replacing it with fruits or vegetables can be equivalent of two months of showering.
A Google search of the “Causes of pollution” there is no mention of animal agriculture, just the cars and factory emissions. The same search of “how to save and preserve water” and “deforestation”, there is still no mention of animal agriculture. These are examples of the manipulation towards your beliefs and your views. The main focus for many environmental organizations is to decrease or stop oil and gas production and usage. But we now know that these causes are unimportant compared to animal agriculture.
So instead of just trying to take a quick shower, fix leaky faucets, or decrease the time you drive your car, decrease the amount of meat you buy and eat. The pollution to our oxygen source, the water millions of species need to survive, our own forests and the future of our world are all at stake.