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United Through Sports

Alex Futterman, Staff Editor

Sports are the vehicle to that brings the world together with others who share the same interest. Every year the world is brought together for some type sporting event, where we forget about our differences and compete for gold. Sports do unite nations with national teams, but the real question is can sports unite the world?

After tragedies such as 9/11 or even the recent Paris attacks, many sporting events come to a halt. When the sporting events start back up again they are honoring those we lost by waving flags, having moments of silence and singing national anthems. These small actions done all over the world in communities as small as small towns to as big as national stages such as the NFL.

“I think sports can unite the world because there is nothing more powerful than a team that you root for the sense of patriotism, passion and pride towards your country,” NHS junior Ali Manfredi said.

But even though some think that sports unite the world, few do feel that team rivalries are too much of a dividing power. For example soccer fans in other countries are often known to display hooliganism which is a term used to describe the fans behavior which is fierce, and toxic behavior by overzealous supporters of football teams some misbehavior may include including brawling, vandalism and intimidation.

In 2002 following forty people murdered at football matches (in Argentina) the preceding ten years, the season was suspended and there was an epidemic of social disorder in the country At one point the season was suspended and there was widespread social disorder in the country. The first death after the suspension was lifted was at a match between longtime rivals Boca Juniors and River Plate. The match was abandoned and one Boca Juniors fan was shot dead.

“I kind of think the opposite [that sports cannot make world peace] because of the huge rivalries in sports,” NHS sophomore Isabella Kaiser said.

Some agree that sports do not have the power to unite because of rivalries.

“I don't think [sports can make world peace] because there are rivalries within sports and even a friendly argument [about sports] it is still a disagreement,” NHS sophomore Jamie Davis said.

When looking at the bigger picture both parties have a passion for the same game that unite us through passion. After all during the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, fans yielded from 124 countries to see about 2,850 athletes from 89 countries compete in 98 events. And for those at home the television audience was 2.1 billion.

“[Teams competing in worldwide events] respect each other because they are all going for one goal and they all worked really hard to get there,” NHS sophomore Janyce Toth said.

Even if sports are not uniting the world, a mutual respect may be gained from being on a team and competing with teammates who want success just as much as the opponents.

“I think the most powerful thing that the world has in common is the fact that we are all individual and unique in our own way is one commonality that we all share. One thing the world has in common is that everyone plays sports and [for example in the Olympics] there is a ceremony to not only accentuate your individuality and our own country but also to accentuate that we are one world and one place” Manfredi said.

Manfredi makes a great point, it is the sports that bring us together, but our individually that unite us as one.

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