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Isabel Pryor, Staff Writer

When winter rolls around every year, people bundle up and avoid the cold weather at all costs. However, some people are embracing the cold and using it on a regular basis to enhance their lifestyles. Cryotherapy, or exposure to cold for medical benefits, has recently grown in popularity in the U.S. Cryotherapy originated in Japan as a method to prevent arthritis, and is now practiced worldwide to improve health and general well-being.

Whole body cryotherapy is a trending procedure in which the patient strips down to minimal clothing and blasted with liquid nitrogen. The temperature ranges from around -160 to -240° F. To put that in perspective, the lowest natural temperature ever recorded on Earth is -128.6 °F, meaning that the cryosauna conditions could only ever occur organically in outer space. However, the air is very dry, so the cold is bearable even against bare skin.

Sessions last for 2-3 minutes and are usually held a few times a week for several weeks to maximize the effects, although it’s safe to enter the chamber up to twice a day.

“I would be interested in cryotherapy because it sounds invigorating and I live for the thrill,” Newtown High School junior Emma Sheridan said.

Cryotherapy has been reported to clear skin, lessen chronic pain, soothe achy muscles, heal nerve damage, strengthen immune systems, speed metabolisms, and improve mood. Some professionals even claim it helps to reduce the risk of certain cancers.

Cryotherapy is rapidly trending in the world of athletics to speed recovery, almost an extreme alternative to cold packs and ice baths. Renowned athletes such as Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, Christian Ronaldo, Usain Bolt, and many more reap the benefits of freezing for their sports.

“So, what that’s going to do over something like an ice bath is get more inflammation down, more lactic acid down, as well as activate an essential nervous system response, which just helps your body heal more efficiently and function better throughout the day,” U.S. cryotherapy manager Matt Winchell said to Tech Times.

Certain risks associated with cryotherapy apply mainly to people with specific medical conditions, such as heart problems or pregnancy. One common concern about the procedure is frostbite, which can typically be prevented as long as the time in the chamber is monitored and no wet clothing is worn inside. However, regulations are increasing after the highly publicized passing of medical spa employee Chelsea Ake-Salvacion, who fell unconscious in the chamber and froze to death.

“I don’t think I would ever consider doing it, but I’m not making my living off of being a top notch athlete. I can see if it was going to help with pain and recovery time for something that’s very serious I would consider it, but if it’s just to improve my mood, I don’t think it’s worth the risk,” NHS science teacher Melissa Torrance said.

Cryotherapy saunas are spawning all over the country as society’s curiosity in the unique process deepens. Medical innovation has led to extreme cold being used to heal both the body and the mind.

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