March is National Women’s History Month. It was declared its own month in 1987 by Congress.
The struggle for women to earn recognition was and is very drawn out. It has taken hundreds of years for women to have earned the respect they currently have. The concern is not with why is there a National Women’s History month, it goes deeper as to why do we feel the need to give ladies this distinct month?
I believe that there will come a day when there will no longer be the need to validate a day or month for a specific gender or race.
Given that females are seen as equal in the United States from a political standpoint, then there should be no reason to feel the need to praise ladies unless they were still thought of as less. The intent for the women’s month did not strive to have a negative connotation but a positive one.
To give a gender an entire month goes to show the government is trying too hard to show the equality of genders. In reality men and women will never be truly equal, simply due to the fact that they possess different body structures. Women should not have a month when they are recognized, it should be year round. Throughout the course of every year females should be given respect where respect is due. It cannot be only during this month to choose to applaud ladies on their sacrifices and accomplishments.
There is not a male history month, and there is no need to have one. Granted white males have had their many injustices throughout the course of history, why should they be given a month? They have always been at the top of the pyramid; it is time to bring everyone on the same level. If men get upset that there is no month for them, just think why do I need the month? These ideals are as silly as getting a gold star for doing a good deed.
If men get their own month then everyone could have their own day. Mind as well give dogs their own day, how about cats too? Soon enough everyday will have a ‘special’ meaning, and it is bound to lose its purpose.
The idea of equality is rooted so far down into people's minds that they do not realize in their effort to make equality they are doing the opposite. Equality is not the object to strive for. It should come naturally. The more forced something is the harder it is for people to comply.
Having a National Women’s Month it is separating women from everyone else. Everyone is different but in reality they are all the same. For true equality to exist then there needn’t be any boundaries. One day society should get to a point in which National Women’s month, Black History month, racial days, etc will not be needed. By the acceptance of others and through human nature people will not be referred to based on their outward appearance. All the looks should fade away when it comes to a work environment and when opportunity arises.
Just because a female applies for a job does not mean she should get it because she is a female, rather the person best fit for the job should get it. There is no need to ostracize a group. If the world could see beyond the scope of looks and gender, National Women’s month would not need to have its own month.
People feel more inclined to give during the holidays. If people truly felt sorry they would give whenever they deemed fit. If one were to erase all the special days and months would those who deserve acknowledgement still gain it?
In truth the eyes betray the mind.
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