Come join the talented cast and crew of Newtown High School’s spring musical, Beauty and the Beast as the audience is swept away to France, following Belle, wishing for a life with adventure beyond her provincial town, who falls in love with a beast when encountering an enchanted castle. This classic features the famous characters brought to life by students at NHS, and the sets designed and crafted by the hardworking students in crew.
This show will come to life on March 16th and will run until the 20th, in the NHS auditorium, and the audience is in for a treat, with a trip into this magical world, filled with dazzling, upbeat numbers and a beautiful story that will touch everyone’s hearts.
This show, directed by Jane Matson, and produced by Janice Gabriel, will star Brooks Petershack as the Beast, Catie Ingersoll as Belle, and Joseph Verga as Gaston, and their outstanding performance will hopefully be a hit for those all across Newtown. “It shows the young people of this community at their best. That’s what is good about seeing kids work, solve problems, and plan. Plus, the music, singing, dancing, and sets are fabulous,” Matson said.
In addition to the performance, a fairytale breakfast will also be offered to the younger audience members, where after enjoying a magical breakfast in NHS’s new cafe, some of the characters from the show will come and sign autographs and take pictures. Fun arts and crafts, as well as dancing are also offered to the young princes and princesses on March 19th.
This performance includes many special features, one of them including flight, which means some of the characters will be seen soaring around the stage. There has been an excited buzz throughout the cast regarding this new addition to the show.
“The flying would be pretty cool because the costumes are pretty elaborate and they'll be in the air,” NHS sophomore McKenzie Iazzetta, one of the silly girls in the show, said.
In addition to the elaborate flying system involved in this show, the all-student crew worked hard to construct, build, and paint the beautiful sets. From the grand staircase in the castle, to the bakery and bookshop in Belle’s village, this set will blow every audience member away.
Besides the costumes, sets, and overall performance, there is something more this magical show offers for audience members, of any age.
“The special thing about the show is the family feel. So many shows can be heavy and require a lot of attention to follow, but with such a talented cast we really get the light effortless fun feel of Beauty and the beast, that anyone at any age would enjoy,” NHS sophomore Barrett DeYoung, who plays Lefou in the show, said.
The tickets for the show and the fairytale breakfast are now available online for purchase, at, and will also be available at the box office before the show, depending on how many are available.
Additionally, in order to make up for some of the costs of the elaborate flight, lighting, and sets this show offers, there is a page open for donations at
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