ABC’s thrilling drama Quantico, created by Joshua Safran, aired its second season on September 25. The series follows Priyanka Chopra’s character Alex Parrish, an FBI agent, and flashes forward between two intertwined plots; the first being her infiltrating a radical CIA training facility, and the second being a terrorist attack on New York City that occurred a year later. When Parrish uncovers details about the attack, in which hostages are held by the terrorists, and learns that members of the CIA training group was involved, she must infiltrate the danger zone and save the lives of those being held captive.
Quantico’s second season premiere delivered a plot as captivating as its first, keeping the audience constantly on the edge of their seats. The dialogue is convincing and portrays the dynamics of relationships between the characters. Priyanka Chopra plays Parrish, and convincingly portrays her character as strong and likeable.The cast is very diverse and explores many nationalities. However, while Chopra’s character is forceful, confident and easy to relate to, her boyfriend on the show lacks personality. Jake Mclaughlin plays Ryan Booth, Parrish’s on-and-off boyfriend throughout the series, but his character is boring and Mclaughlin is not a very good actor. In addition to some of the acting, the episode layout featuring two storylines, which is used in both seasons, can make it hard to follow the plot of the show while the time and setting are constantly changing. While the story was interesting and left the audience guessing, the show’s first season was more engaging, with more drama in the character’s relationships and plots. The second season is more tense and violent, because it only deals with the danger of the terrorist attack and the rivalry in the CIA facility, instead of with the character’s friendships and relationships.
Overall, I would recommend Quantico. Most of the characters are likeable and relatable, and the storyline is engaging. Despite some inadequate acting and a confusing episode layout, the dialogue is well written and the cast is original and diverse. To those who haven’t seen it and are looking for an entertaining show, Quantico may be the right choice.
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