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Trump Needs a Chance

Emily Neave, Editor in Chief

Donald Trump deserves a chance.

Let me begin by saying that regardless of political opinion, I believe that the person of the highest esteemed office in the United States deserves the respect and opportunity to lead our nation. Never before has a President faced such scrutiny prior to stepping a foot into the White House. “Not my President” which started as a mere twitter hashtag, soon erupted into a widely used slogan amongst anti-Trump protesters.

Critics of our new president are sitting on the edge of their seat waiting to ridicule President Trump for every move he makes. The performance of the President is a reflection of the state of our nation. If the president does well, our country does well. If our President fails, our nation fails. Politics aside, it is our jobs as citizens of the United States of America to support whomever is in office. By no means is my intent to diminish every individual’s entitlement to their own personal opinion. Freedom of speech is indeed the pillar to our amazing country, as outlined in the Constitution. However, there is a line.

Frankly, I am sick and tired of scrolling through Facebook, Twitter and every other social media platform known to man, seeing political rants. I think people seem to forget that (for the most part) regardless of which side of the political spectrum you identify with, each view and ideal is rooted from compassion. Let us look at the discussion of abortion, for example. Donald Trump has clearly identified as someone supporting the pro-life movement, and has stated on various occasions that he intends to reduce the half billion taxpayer dollars that are currently funding Planned Parenthood. We forget that this belief is in fact stemmed from compassion for the child. Looking at him from the sole lens of this issue, he is not a misogynistic bigot for simply supporting life. On the other hand, pro-choice activists have beliefs rooted from compassion towards the child-bearing mother. Despite political party affiliation, the simple principles of each side are indeed based off of compassion, something I wish everyone could see.

Donald Trump is not a perfect man. He has undoubtedly made vulgar and crude remarks which I cannot seem to fathom or even begin to justify. However, he is our president. As president, we can only wish the best upon him, that he leads our country with utmost respect and dignity. Despite his obvious flaws, he is passionate. He is passionate about our country, and he is passionate about the people of our country. Donald Trump has reached out to some of the most demolished communities in our nation- places completely destroyed and bankrupted by NAFTA. His intentions to help these communities and struggling black communities across America are pure, as he has addressed on various occasions.

We have lost sight of the key driving factor of our nation, “we the people of the United States” Our unity as a nation has indeed grown ambiguous due to the convoluted nature of our modern society. As a new political era arises, we have allowed our egos to deter us from understanding others and compromising with others. We sit here, waiting for Donald Trump to mess up so we can look our peers, neighbors, and friends in the eyes and say, “I told you so.” That should not be the case. We should root for our President, as rooting for the success of our President is rooting for the success of our nation as a whole.

Image Courtesy of Slate

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