After a successful sixteen-year career as the Newtown High School Boys Varsity Soccer Coach, Brian Neumeyer resigned from his position last fall. This farewell to a well-decorated coach has left the job open for grabs for surrounding soccer coaches. After a thorough interviewing process led by NHS Athletic Director Matt Memoli, Girls Varsity Soccer Coach Marc Kenney, and three student athletes, veteran coach Nick Booth has been appointed as the new Boys Varsity Soccer Head Coach.
Nick Booth has a lot of experience in the world of soccer. Booth was captain and two-time National champion at Southern Connecticut State University. Through coaching, Booth was head men's Soccer Coach at the University of Bridgeport, head boys Soccer Coach at Greenwich and North Branford High Schools, and co-founder & Coaching Director of Samba TTP. Booth also takes part in Connecticut Olympic Development Program, South Central Premier, UConn Soccer Camps, Newtown Soccer Club, Trumbull Soccer, and Club Connecticut Summer Select.
Booth has been an active participant in the NHS soccer program. For the past five years, Booth has run a week long pre-season camp for the boys and the girls high school soccer teams. The student athletes have become familiar with Booth’s coaching styles and his expectations from his players.
“I found the team bonding through the camp helpful to our team chemistry on and off the field. One drill he would do is the wrestling between upperclassmen and underclassmen to enhance competition. It allows everyone to prove their willingness to make a varsity spot,” NHS junior and boys varsity soccer player Adam Farley said.
During the interview process, NHS boys varsity team members led the discussion in asking the applicants questions on how they would lead their team.
“We focused mainly on questions that would show us if the coach would be effective and what specific steps they would take to improve our program as a whole. We wanted to make sure the coach was experienced and a good fit for us,” NHS junior and boys varsity soccer player James Barden said.
After evaluating the contestants for the position, the board agreed that Nick Booth was the best candidate for the job.
“Booth stood out because he was very well spoken. I could tell he was experienced in the coaching position and ready for the job. Also, he has experience with Newtown soccer which will make for a more smooth transition between coaches,” Barden said.
As the new NHS boys varsity soccer coach, Booth has set priorities for the upcoming season.
“I want to be involved in all aspects of the program including freshman and the JV groups, but as a priority I have to respect the fact that I have inherited a talented, experienced senior laden Varsity group - a group which has the ability to win now. We will be fit, we will be organized, we will be prepared, and we will practice harder than any other team in the state,” Booth said
The Boys Varsity Soccer team under former Head Coach Brian Neumeyer has a successful timeline. For example, the 2004 season saw the Newtown Boys Varsity Soccer winning the state LL tournament. With this in mind, Newtown Soccer has a set of traditions they plan to achieve with Booth as the new Head Coach.
“There's an expression in soccer, 'it's not just about winning but winning the right way.' Brian Neumeyer achieved this in his tenure as Newtown's Varsity Coach. Continuing this tradition and making sure the Newtown program is respected throughout the state is of the utmost importance,” Booth said.
Alongside with the character-building skills that school sports offer student-athletes, one of the coach’s priorities for the team is victory. Booth has a clear outline of the style and methods in which he will succeed on an individual and a communal basis.
“Communicating with players on an individual basis is paramount - understanding strengths and weaknesses of my players will allow me to develop team concepts and implement bonding exercises which will benefit all players on and off the field,” Booth said.