On the day after Thanksgiving, all the cooks in the family are grateful they made it through another year without a turkey fire or pumpkin pie disaster. But as their stress winds down, other Americans are in full-out hunting mode. There alert, focused, and ready to pounce on every Black Friday deal on which they set their sights on (and anyone who gets in their way).
For these manic shoppers, though, there are dozens of people who hate the materialistic practice, especially since it takes place a day after they are supposed to take stock of our many blessings. Shopping. This one word, although birthed from great intentions, has fundamentally changed. On November 24, stores are open as early as 4:00 am with people lining up outside the doors waiting for sales of their life time.
25% of people say yes it is worth it. And 75% say Black Friday is not worth it. But what was really the thought process of the typical American when they either clicked the yes or no bottin?
The majority of people say that it is either too dangerous and risk many injuries for shoppers and employees or others say that Americans should be grateful for what they have but instead we all sit outside in outrageously long lines and wait for the best deal of a material item.
Would any self-respecting American shopper pass up a once in a lifetime chance to accumulate great items at extremely reduced prices? The idea that there are people all around the country who are bold enough to criticize savvy shoppers just for trying to take advantage of great sales. Black Friday receives relentless criticism from year to year, but for no real reason or motive. It is targeted by people who can’t leave well enough alone and worry about themselves during the holiday season.
Common complaints are that the sale times on Black Friday are getting earlier every year. Although that may be the case, who is really complaining about it? Black Friday shoppers are not doing the complaining about the sale times, the people that don’t shop at all and don’t involve themselves in the tradition are. So why would people that stay home and sleep while the sales are taking place have anything to complain about?
Elizabeth Garten a NHS freshman says, “ Black Friday is a useful time to go shopping- I know my family uses it for Christmas shopping. At the same time, physically going to the stores can be dangerous depending on where you go due to the immense crowds of people. For example, I’m not going to the mall when American Eagle (for example) has 100 teenagers in it.”
An assistant manager to an Old Navy in Wisconsin, Barb Novitski, says “Last year the people waiting in line were given free hot chocolate to stay warm after their doors opened at midnight.”
She goes on to say that all of the customers they had on black Friday were very friendly and welcoming, not at all like the stereotypes that media portrays to the non-shoppers. Dean Whipple, the story manager of sears also in Wisconsin adds to that saying that this year’s black Friday shoppers were in a much happier mood this year in comparison to previous years. Even the sheriff’s department of Wausau, WI said that there were much fewer reports of unruly customers than they had had in previous years.
Cat Darocha a NHS freshman says, “My thoughts on Black Friday are, I think that Black Friday is one of the busiest times of the year, due to all the sales at many stores. I think that Black Friday helps people buying things they need for themselves and for people during the Christmas time. But I think that we should be limiting how much we spend and where we go because too many people in one place is not to safe.”
A common worry about Black Friday is the safety, parents wondering if their kids should be out that early in such dangerous crowds. My solution: Don’t go to Wal-Mart! Out of all crime reports filled out on black Friday, over half of them are involving Wal-Mart customers or staff.
Everyone has heard the expression “safety in numbers”; this applies heavily to Black Friday. To assure optimal safety, grab an extra two or three people to go shopping in a group with you. This not only keeps you safe inside the store, but in the hectic parking lots as well.
Although Black Friday is not an official holiday, many small business owners give their employees the day off so that they get the chance to enjoy the day as well. Black Friday is seen to everyone as a holiday for some, a celebration for most, and a tradition for all- even those who opt out of participating. Door buster deals and holiday cheer are everywhere to be found that time of year, and carrying on such a beneficial holiday as Black Friday is not a lot to ask of an American. Whether you are the driver, the bodyguard, the recon specialist, or the field agent, Black Friday is an enjoyable time for people to gather in groups and complete a mission.
Image Courtesy of Wccftech