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Blood Drive at NHS

Jack Vaughan, Staff Editor

Newtown High School students and faculty came together to donate blood at two separate blood drives in support of an NHS senior who started and ran the campaign. This blood drive also spurred legislation to encourage more young participants. Shelley Eppers was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer called Multiple Myeloma. Blood transfusions are a common procedure to treat this form of cancer. In this case, people willing to give blood to Multiple Myeloma patients can have great effect on one’s recovery. “I have a huge appreciation for blood drives. Multiple Myeloma has opened my eyes to the tremendous need for blood and blood products. For example, I know that someone sat for 3 hours donating blood platelets which is something I need occasionally to maintain my numbers. I cannot express enough how anyone who participates in donation is sustaining and saving someone’s life. You made a difference by participating in this drive and whomever is fortunate enough to receive are forever thankful,” Shelley Eppers said. In the first drive alone, 50 people signed up and 43 were able to donate a pint of blood. Just the first drive alone gained enough blood to potentially save 126 lives. NHS senior Harry Eppers, who ran the blood drive with fellow senior Rory Edwards, hopes to hold another one for the remaining people who wished to give blood. “I think this blood drive was really great for my mother. She was really appreciative of all the people that gave blood. Initially, my mother wasn’t aware of the magnitude of the amount of people participating. After I Facetimed her sharing how 43 pints of blood were collected, she was overwhelmed with joy,” Harry Eppers said. Fighting this form of cancer requires not only the support from a family. Blood drives like these are just one of the ways our community has helped out the Eppers family. “It makes me feel very humbled, grateful and extremely proud of the NHS community. Without question, Newtown parents are raising phenomenal, kind and supportive young adults. All of you are and will continue to impact this world doing great things. The support from family and friends is the very core of my approach to my treatment. The outpouring of love has kept me lifted and motivated through some pretty difficult days. I may be doing the work, but I am never alone, and that is everything,” Shelley Eppers said. Students willing to give blood for the cause also found personal benefit by helping out someone in need. “Its an opportunity to save a life. You don't get many situations in life where you can make such an impact to another person. It feels good,” NHS senior Nick Weiland said. Not only has Harry and Rory collected dozens of pints of healthy blood, but they plan on affecting the entire blood donating community of Connecticut. To this date, one must be 17 years old with parental consent to donate blood. However, Harry and Rory wish to change this by lowering the blood donating age. “I had a great amount of 16 year old sign up that were not liable to give blood. I was disappointed in the fact that 16 year olds are able to be organ donors but cannot give blood with parental consent. In surrounding states, the blood giving age is 16, so it makes no sense to me why Connecticut cannot do the same,” Harry Eppers said. In order to accomplish this goal, the two boys are working with local political Mitch Bolinsky and the Connecticut Public Health Committee to lower the blood donating age in the state of Connecticut. “Come February of 2018, we are going to take our idea to the floor in the House of Representatives for the state, and if approved we will move on to The Senate. I do not see why they would turn down our objective,” Harry Eppers said. Eppers and Edwards want to see large scale change across the blood donating community. “Lowering the blood donating age would greatly increase the amount of blood we could collect. We want to express how lowering the age to donate blood could help out many more people than we are able to now,” Edwards said. Newtown's State Representative Mitch Bolinsky showed his support by donating blood at the high school. Eppers had approached Bolinsky in hopes of lowering the blood donating age. “Harry reached out to me asking for legislative help. While lining-up donors for his Newtown High School drive, Harry discovered this shortcoming in Connecticut law that excluded a lot very healthy, potential donors of high-school age. This directly impacted his blood drive because he had a lot of willing, able 16-year old sophomores and juniors who really wanted to help but could not. Harry was very convincing and made so much sense that it was easy to agree with him. He was quick to point out that every two seconds, someone needs blood and that other states have long-allowed blood donors from 16-year olds, with parental consent,” Bolinsky said. In order for this change to happen, multiple steps must be taken. Different organization and government parties must approve of this ratification. “It will be introduced soon after we convene the 2018 Session of the CT General Assembly, on Wednesday, February 7, 2018. It will be drafted and ready to garner legislative and agency support well before that date, though. Once introduced, it will move through the committees of cognizance and have at least one public hearing, where Harry and others can testify on the need to move it forward. That will take a couple months and, if successfully passed in the House and Senate, it will go to Governor Malloy's desk for his signature,” Bolinsky said. On top of all, Bolinsky wishes to embark on this journey with Harry and Rory to emphasize his love for his community. “I have known Harry and his parents for a couple years now. I helped teach him how to drive. He's a very kind, considerate young man from a wonderful family. His desire to make this difference in his mom's life and the lives of others made this challenge personal and one I felt we could accomplish,” Bolinsky said. If all goes to plan, Connecticut citizens may see great change in the blood donating field by as early as next year.

Image Courtesy of Jack Vaughan

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