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Bigfoot, Aliens, and Ghosts

Television shows, movies, news, and books have depicted that the supernatural world is real, but can it really be true? Stances on ghosts, Bigfoot, and aliens have been argued since the beginning of recorded history. 

            Stories of ghosts, UFO’s, and sasquatch have been “reported” for many years and continue to be debated, discussed, and “seen” by people.

One such legend is that of Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, goes back centuries and is found all over the world. The name Bigfoot is generally attributed to the mountainous Western region of North America.

            North American settlers started reporting sightings during the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries with the occasional sighting of footprints, and a few grainy photos and videos adding to the legend and mystery of Bigfoot.

            Those who claim to have seen Bigfoot have described everything from a large, upright ape, to an actual hairy human, sometimes standing over eight feet tall and described as powerfully built. 

            “I believe in Bigfoot, and aliens somewhat,” NHS junior Sam Giuggio said.

For many people, the word “ghost” conjures up one of two images: A menacing apparition that terrorizes unsuspecting homeowners, or a cute trick-or-treater covered in a white bed sheet.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a ghost as a “disembodied soul” or the soul of someone who’s died that either lives in the spirit world or, somehow exists in our world.

Sherrie Dillard, author of the book “I’m Still With You,” says it’s important to distinguish between ghosts and spirits of loved ones who have passed on.

“Usually it strikes us as a different energy. It never strikes us as something we’re not familiar with,” Author Sherrie Dillard said.

The science of ghosts is a completely different story. According to Chistine Simmonds- Moore, a professor of psychology at the University of West Virginia, Ghosts are found in every single culture and have been recorded throughout history.

“Ghosts come from experience, so, human beings have had experience with spirits–and we can be neutral on whether some of those are genuine spirits, or whether they are explained more normally. But irrespective of that, people have experiences because it’s part of being human,” professor of psychology Christine Simmonds-Moore said.

The Oxford dictionary defines aliens as “a hypothetical or fictional being from another world,” but whether it is fictional is still up for debate. 

In 1989, a man named Robert Lazar claimed he worked on extraterrestrial technology inside Area 51. Lazar spoke of this, and although he was discredited, his claims spun numerous government conspiracy theories, most of which involve extraterrestrial life. 

According to the CIA, test flights of the U-2 and subsequent military aircraft account for many of the UFO sightings in the area, but there is no evidence of extraterrestrial contact at Area 51, or anywhere else.     

“Even if life on Mars exists, it’s probably limited to single-celled organisms–a far cry from the intelligent aliens of science fiction,” Mars expert Briony Horgan said.

Nevertheless, with all the high technology flights out of Area 51, the amount of “sightings” of unidentified flying objects skyrocketed in the area.

“Extraterrestrial life has never been discovered, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist,” Government agency NASA said.

The tall-ape like Bigfoot, the transparent ghosts, and the extraterrestrial being, their existence have been argued since the beginning, and still today.

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