The holidays are often the best time of the year that most people look forward to. They are a time to relax and enjoy friends, family and loved ones. For this reason they are such an important time of the year so people tend to emphasize celebrating them right and making sure the holiday season is done perfectly.
The perfect time to start and finish celebrating the holiday season is something that is different for everyone. Some people think that you should start as early as possible to properly enjoy the holiday season for the longest time possible. While others, myself included, think that the holiday season is only so special because it only comes around for a short period of time.
For those with that belief we tend to think that listening to holiday music and decorating should only start after Thanksgiving is done with, so one can properly enjoy Thanksgiving and the holidays following it separately
“For me, after Thanksgiving is the perfect time to start, that’s when the holiday spirit really pierces the air,” NHS senior Shaun Daoust said.
After Thanksgiving seems to be the most common time for most people to start getting into the holiday spirit.
“I think the right time to start putting holiday music on is after Thanksgiving ends,” NHS senior Edward Liu said.
Others agree with Liu.
“Gotta wait until after Thanksgiving” NHS senior Josh Prud'homme said.
Students and teachers may prepare for the holidays differently from each other. So multiple teachers and staff members around the school were interviewed, one of which being Kim Lowell, a Physics teacher at NHS.
“I start the day after Thanksgiving but my daughter in high school has holiday music on weeks before. She works at a store where immediately after Halloween they set up holiday decorations. But everything has to come down by January first,” NHS Physics teacher Kim. Lowell said.
This dynamic she described was very interesting. Being in the holiday spirit so soon may seem strange to some, but It makes sense that retail workers who are surrounded by the decorations would get into the holiday spirit quicker than others.
“To me it still feels like fall in November especially with the warm weather we’ve been having. So I don’t decorate or listen to music until December. And I don’t take down the tree and decorations like that until Presidents’ Day weekend,” NHS Latin teacher Catherine Kimberly said.
Others agree with Kimberly.
“I personally start listening to holiday music whenever the radio starts playing it but I think they should wait until after Thanksgiving to start playing it, and it should stop the day after Christmas. And as for the tree coming down, it usually comes down when it starts to fall apart,” NHS librarian Mrs. Gaiser said.
Most teachers were in agreement with Gaiser, except for Chris Lee.
“Personally I wait until the last week of school before break to put on music. I love the music so I just don’t want it to get old quickly. The tree and decorations come down a couple weeks into January, never in a rush” NHS music teacher Chris Lee said.
The amount of restraint from Mr. Lee is admirable. One assumes being a music teacher contributes to that.
“I’ve been listening to holiday music a week before Thanksgiving when it starts to get cold,” NHS senior John Barzetti said.
It was really interesting to see how everyone gets ready and embraces the holiday season differently and at different times. Ultimately there isn’t a right or wrong answer to when someone should start getting into the holiday season; it should be whatever lets one enjoy it the most.